November 9, 2018 - A Relic collection of Christian Saints! Our event in Estero Florida.
If you're in the Estero Florida area, this is your chance to view a wonderful Relic collection of Christian Saints in lovely reliquaries at the southwest Florida Public Library. They will be on display the entire month of December.
Approximately 100 1st class relics of the Saints will be on display including martyrs, Abbott's, Confessors, Popes, The True Cross, part of the Manger of Christ, Padre Pio, Francis of Assisi, Saint Therese the Little Flower of Jesus, etc.
One of the greatest Catholic traditions, almost lost beginning in the 1970s -- hopefully our display will help inspire those that remember, as well as those that wish to learn about and venerate the saints.
When: December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018
Where: South County Regional Library, 21100 three Oaks Pkwy, Estero, FL 33928
Some photos of past events:
November 1, 2018 - A wonderful summer, busy winter.
Thank you all for a wonderful summer, sincerely. Many of our dearest longtime customers came to see us, and met or spoke with so many interesting people from all over the world. Had some exciting and rewarding side projects, and more visits than we ever had in past summers! Nothing has slowed down, which brings me to the busy winter. I'm already close to max for appointments until the new year, and visits are limited. Email is the best way to reach me -- I can send photos and prices, and helps me keep track. I know its a bit early, but have a joyous Christmas season!
April 15, 2018 - A near future of many photos....
Laying out our plans for the spring and summer! I’ll have my wife, son, daughter and father to help me often with many projects, so we’re aiming high on the “goals”! And before they head back to school in the Fall, we have many boxes untouched and unopened in storage that we’re going to open and see what we discover! This will be one of the last things we do, as its what my children are most looking forward to and will be a “reward” for all they’ve accomplished. Ok, on to the list!
And again I extend my deepest gratitude for all the positive emails and thoughtful conversations we've had -- your appreciation, praise, and support for our mission, as both customer and fellowship, is encouraging beyond words.