March 22, 2017 - Monstrances, Sanctuary Lights. Missal Stands and Tabors next!
Our warehouse can be very cold during the winter! We do have a room to heat and keep you happy when you visit, and when I'm not out of supplies I'll put on a pot of coffee to make it more bearable, but it's tough to keep working for long periods during the winter months. While we are always busy on the digital end, I genuinely enjoy working at our warehouse and am looking forward to what we can accomplish this spring and summer.
So what has been updated since I last brought tidings? We took all new monstrance photos, which also include the luna size as it's something often requested. We also finished most Sanctuary lights, the sizing is based from the top of the votive globe to the bottom of the light. If there's no votive, it's from the votive holder ring to the bottom of the light - I measured this way as the ceiling chains often are resized depending on where the lights will be hung. I'm about halfway through new photos of the missal stands and Tabors, and have another batch of Chalice photos almost done.
Speaking of Chalices, I must offer a genuinely HUGE thanks to "our future" - our seminarians! Thank you so much for visiting, sharing your stories, bringing your families, and telling your brothers about us! Your overwhelming support, visits and praise -- we're honored and humbled having the opportunity to provide a piece of traditional Catholic history that becomes a part of you.